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LipSense FAQ

I LOVE LipSense (surprise, surprise) and it is the best lipstick I've ever had! But, with that being said, it comes with a few extra steps that regular lipstick might not have! are a few frequently asked questions that I get about lipsense!

LipSense frequently asked questions

*How long will it last? After putting the color on your lips, the color will last anywhere from 4-18 hours depending on a few factors. 1. How hydrated you are, and how hydrated your lips are. Hydrated lips will have the color last longer! 2. what you put in your mouth! If you are eating greasy foods like fettucine, pizza, or a hamburger you'll most likely see wear around the inside of your mouth (or waterline) The oils in the food break down the color. You can "touch up" that spot and be good to go! And if you're asking about how long a bottle will last, if you use it EVERY DAY the bottle should last you 6 months!

*Do I have to buy a gloss? Short answer: Yes. The gloss will set the color. It also has amazing hydrating properties! So your lips will not dry out like other long lasting lipsticks will!

*Do I have to do 3 layers? No you don't. They suggest 3 layers so that you can have the longest wear time. But if you don't mind reapplying occasionally, you can do 1 or 2 layers. More than 3 layers gets quite thick and will start to flake off.

*What is this tingle? LipSense has a cosmetic grade alcohol that keeps lipsense bacteria free. It also assists in the the delivery system of the color. It evaporates in a couple seconds and after your lips are hydrated and healthy, the tingle will go away!

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